Backflow In Cianjur Towards Bogor Or Bandung Is Still Crowded With D+5 Lebaran
Backflow homecoming in Cianjur is still busy smoothly on D+5 Lebaran, Friday (28/4/2023). (ANTARA/Ahmad Fikri).

CIANJUR - Backflow homecoming on the Cianjur route to Bogor or Bandung is still busy smoothly entering D+5 Lebaran 2023.

According to Antara's observation via the Cianjur Gentur-By Pass Light Monument roundabout, the backflow of vehicles has increased towards Friday evening 28, so there was a queue of vehicles.

Dozens of officers took to the streets to guard the flow of vehicles towards Puncak, Cipanas, Bogor, and so on because the volume of vehicles had increased.

The vehicle rate also stalled at a number of vulnerable points such as the Cipeuyeum T-junction, Ciranjang Market, Gentur Monument Roundabout, Cipanas Market, Cibodas Botanical Gardens T-junction and Hanjawar T-junction, so that officers at the Pam post were dispatched to the road to regulate traffic flow.

Head of Cianjur Police Traffic Unit AKP Anaga Budiharso said the H+5 Lebaran volume of vehicles with the characteristics of going home is dominated by four-wheeled vehicles with luggage on the roof of cars and two-wheeled vehicles with a total of about 150 units per minute.

"The volume of the homecoming vehicle with the aim of returning to Jabodetabek is still high, so to anticipate traffic jams at a number of vulnerable points and the Puncak route, officers carried out a calf fence to regulate traffic so that it would remain smooth," he said, confiscated by Antara.

Anaga also noted that the volume of the travelers heading towards Bandung was still high because they deliberately returned home late to avoid traffic jams on the Cianjur homecoming route before the holiday.

"Vehicles returning home late are also still high towards Bandung and beyond," he said.

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