JAKARTA - Member of Commission III DPR RI Arteria Dahlan, congratulates the new Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Judicial Commission (KY).

In the plenary meeting which was attended by all KY commissioners, Mukti Fajar Nur Dewata was elected as Chairman of KY and M Taufiq Hz as Deputy Chairman of KY.

"Congratulations on carrying out your duties, hopefully your trust," Arteria said in an electronic message received by VOI, Monday, January 18.

There are several notes of improvement that the KY commissioner must do in the future. First, internal improvements both in the context of performance, governance, understanding and value systems to the selection system.

"In the selection system, the new KY leadership must ensure and close the space there is no exchange of interests or influence trading in the context of the selection of candidates for Supreme Court justice," explained Arteria.

Arteria said, the leadership of KY must have an understanding of values in the context of selecting candidates for Supreme Court judges who are eligible to be proposed and elected by the Indonesian Parliament.

This PDI-P politician also hopes that the new leadership of KY can improve communication and strengthen synergy with other institutions, especially the Supreme Court (MA), the Indonesian Parliament to the ministries.

"This is solely for a positive purpose in order to strengthen the judicial system to be better, more credible and reliable," he explained.

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