JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya said that they would still conduct a case title regarding the year's test event which was attended by Raffi Ahmad. Although so far, there has not been any violation of the health protocol (prokes).

"Yes, we will hold a (case) later, but if we look at it there is no (suspected criminal offense) yet," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, to reporters, Monday, January 18.

Based on the results of an interim investigation, the event was held privately and held in a private place.

"It's like at home there is a family gathering there, coming there. It's inside the house, not in a public place. It's privacy, just because it's viral on social media," said Yusri.

So far, said Yusri, a number of witnesses who have been questioned are people who participated in the event. They include the owner of the house to the security of the house.

"We have already clarified. The owner of the house has already done so, everything has been done. Later we will stage (the case)," he said.

Previously, the police confirmed that the birthday party which was attended by Raffi Ahmad some time ago was not proven to have violated the health protocol (prokes).

"The element of the suspicion in Article 93 does not exist because only 18 people were there, entered with the prokes, we have checked everything," said Yusri.

In addition, from the witness examination it was found that the birthday ceremony had a fairly strict health protocol. For example, guests are required to undergo an antigen swab before entering the house which is the venue.

"The three pillars of the task force have gone directly to the residence of RG's brother (Ricardo Gelael) and have seen it firsthand. That is a privacy activity carried out by 18 of his closest people," he said.

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