JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has re-implemented the odd-even system today, coinciding with the start of community activities after the joint leave of Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijri celebrations.
"Today's odd-even policy has been implemented again," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo in a short message, Monday, April 26.
Previously, the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency (Dishub) through its official Instagram account, @dishubdkijakarta said that the implementation of the odd-even system for 26 roads was abolished on 19-25 April 2023.
"Regarding Eid al-Fitr 1444 H, the implementation of the odd-even system on 26 roads was abolished on April 19-April 25, 2023," wrote DKI Transportation Agency Instagram, Tuesday, April 18.
The policy refers to Governor Regulation Number 88 of 2019 Article 3 paragraph (3) which reads that traffic restrictions with the odd-even system are not enforced on Saturday, Sunday and national holidays stipulated by a presidential decree (keppres).
Meanwhile, the odd-even scheme was originally implemented at 26 road points throughout Jakarta.
The roads included in the odd-even scheme include Jalan Pintu Besar, Jalan Gajah Mada, Jalan Hayam Wuruk, Jalan Majapahit, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, and Jalan MH Thamrin.
Then, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Jalan Panglima Polim, Jalan Fatmawati, Jalan Suryopranoto, Jalan Balikpapan, and Jalan Kyai Caringin.
There are also Tomang Raya Street, General S Parman Street, Gatot Subroto Street, MT Haryono Street, HR Rasuna Said Street, and DI Pandjaitan Street.
Then, Jalan Jenderal A. Yani, Jalan Pramuka, Jalan Salemba Raya on the West side, Jalan Salemba Raya on the East side starting from the Paseban Raya intersection to Diponegoro Street, Kramat Raya Street, Senen Station Street, and Gunung Sahari Street.
Meanwhile, the odd-even operational time starts at 06.00 WIB to 10.00 WIB. Then, in the afternoon at 16.00 WIB to 21.00 WIB.
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