JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) reported that the situation remained normal after Wakatobi Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, was rocked by an earthquake twice on Saturday.

Acting Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari in a written statement received in Jakarta, Saturday, reported that the first earthquake was recorded to have shook at around 15:23 WIB with (magnitude) M 6.4.

The epicenter of the earthquake was 218 km northeast of Wakatobi Regency with a depth of 10 km. 30 minutes later, at around 16.15 WIB there was an aftershock with a magnitude of M 5.5 centered on the same location.

"The two earthquakes were not felt around the Wakatobi Regency area," Abdul said as reported by Antara.

He also reported that the Wakatobi Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) reported that his party immediately dispatched a rapid reaction team to areas that felt the shock. The BPBD team searched the area where the shock was to check the potential impact of the damage.

BMKG released that the two earthquakes were centered at sea and based on their modeling this earthquake did not trigger a tsunami. Until this news was revealed, it was reported that there were no impacts of casualties.

BNPB has coordinated with the local BPBD and monitored the post-earthquake situation through the BNPB Pusdalops.

"The public is advised to be vigilant and ready for potential aftershocks. Ensure that sources of information related to the earthquake are obtained from sources that can be accounted for," said Abdul.

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