JAKARTA - Large waves and overflows of sea water hit the Megamas area in Manado City. This incident reminds us of the importance of mangrove forests or mangrove plants in coastal areas.

Mangrove forest or mangrove forest is a protective ecosystem for coastal areas from the threat of a tsunami or sea water rob. Mangroves function to hold or break the tidal wave discharge.

In addition to breaking the waves, mangrove plants also have the benefit of preventing sea water intrusion or seepage of water into the land. Mangroves can deposit mud in the roots of their trees, thus preventing their function of preventing intrusion.

Mangrove plants are also good for preventing erosion and abrasion in coastal areas. Remembering that the roots of mangrove trees are useful for protecting the eroded soil surface from the crashing waves.

According to an explanation from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) the tidal flood that occurred in Manado was caused by high waves due to the influence of strong winds. And the topography of the area is relatively low.

"In the area there is also reclamation, low topography and no mangroves or mangroves. Things like this (tidal flooding) will occur in this area if there are strong winds with significant wave heights," said Sam Ratulangi Meteorological Station Operational Coordinator, Manado, Ben Arther. Molle, in his statement.

At the time of high waves, BMKG recorded wind speeds ranging from 15-30 knots or the equivalent of 30-60 kilometers per hour. Regarding this condition, his party urged the public to remain vigilant. This is because the potential for strong winds will still occur in the next few days.

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