JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, reminded that the cheap market must be right on target for people in need. This program is expected to help ahead of Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijriyah.
"To anticipate the increase in food price inflation ahead of Eid, low-cost food market activities in important areas are carried out. However, this program must also be on target, it must reach people who really need it," said Puan in a written statement, Wednesday, April 19.
Apart from being right on target, Puan also asked that the quality of goods sold in the cheap market should not be below the market. Do not let the complaints of foodstuffs they buy are not good.
"This selection of foodstuffs is very useful to maintain public trust," he said.
Furthermore, the chairman of the PDIP DPP asked all members of the DPR RI to make this activity a success with local governments and related agencies. Supervision must be carried out so that the cheap market can run well.
Puan felt that this request was appropriate because the DPR is currently in recess. So, not only greeting their constituents, they can monitor the implementation of the government program.
"It is the right time for council members to get closer to the community in their respective electoral districts," said Puan.
"In addition, cross-agency synergies must not be left behind. Gotong royong is very necessary so that we can immediately find solutions to problems that exist in society," he concluded.
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