JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) has prepared puskesmas, hospitals, and motorcycle ambulances and health posts to welcome this year's Eid homecoming. Director General of Disease Prevention and Control Maxi Rein Rondonuwu said, this facility is ready to provide basic health services as well as record travelers. There are 10,374 health centers; more than 3,000 hospitals throughout Indonesia; 2,074 health posts; and 352 public safety center motorcycle ambulances provided. "Later on, every health post will report data collection from visiting travelers so that they can be seen if there is an increase in the trend of disease," said Maxi, quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Health, Wednesday, April 19. Meanwhile, Director of Primary Health Services Yanti Herman said that the motorbike ambulance was due to learning from the condition of Eid homecoming in the previous year. "Many travelers need first aid," he said. "The ambulance of the motorbike is the right choice to reach the travelers on the homecoming route. The vehicle is driven by health workers so that it can provide health services and can provide treatment," Yanti continued. Furthermore, the Ministry of Health has also released a monitoring team for the 2023 homecoming health post on Monday, April 17. Later, they will go to the route, namely the Jakarta-Surabaya route to monitor toll roads and will stop at dr. Gondo Suwarno Semarang, Nganjuk Hospital for the readiness of referral hospitals. Next, the team will go through the toll road of several posts on the toll road and will also monitor the readiness of the Puskesmas at Surabaya Port. The second monitoring team line, namely the Jakarta – Palembang route, will monitor health posts in Tangerang, Serang, Banten Port Health Office (KKP), RSUD, dr. Bob Bazar in Lampung, and several health centers in Lampung. Furthermore, they will monitor the Kayuagung Hospital in Palembang, the health post at the Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Grand Mosque in Palembang, and monitoring at the Alang-Alang Lebar terminal. Then the Surabaya &nash;Banyuwangi &nash; Denpasar route will be monitored at the Banyuwangi Katapang Port, Gilimanuk health post, Melaya Gilimanuk Health Center, and Jembrana Bali Hospital. The next route is the South Coast (Pansela) homecoming route. This monitoring team is filled with the Primary Directorate of Health Services, the Directorate of Referral Health Services, the Directorate of Public Health Governance, the Center for Health Crisis, the Directorate General of Health Services, the Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control, as well as the Bureau of Communication and Public Services.

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