JAKARTA - Reporters are rumored to be receiving a COVID-19 vaccination in March. But it turns out that this plan is not final, aka it's still being discussed

"(Vaccination for journalists, ed) is not final," said spokesperson for the COVID-19 vaccination from the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, confirmed by VOI, Monday, January 18.

According to him, vaccinations in March will be focused on public service officers such as TNI / Polri, public service officers, namely TNI / Polri, other legal officers, and other public service officers which include officers at airports, ports, stations and terminals.

Furthermore, other public officials who will receive vaccinations are those who work in the banking sector, the state electricity company, and regional drinking water companies, as well as other officers who are directly involved in providing services to the community.

"Meanwhile, journalists are not included in the definition of public service providers," said Nadia.

It is known that the government will run a vaccination program which is divided into several stages. In the first phase, which will be carried out from January to February, the government will focus on health workers such as doctors, nurses and support staff.

While the second phase, March to April, apart from targeting public service employees, the government will also provide vaccinations for the elderly.

Then in the third stage, then the government will vaccinate the community. This third stage will be carried out from April to March 2022.

There are also six vaccines used, based on the Letter of the Minister of Health Number HK01.07 / Menkes / 9860/2020 concerning the Determination of Vaccines for the Implementation of the 2019 Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) Vaccination, namely PT Bio Farma, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Moderna, Pfizer vaccines. Inc and BioNTech, and Sinovac.

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