Sad News Coming From Prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari, His Father Died
Prosecutor Pinangki Disappears Malasari (Photo: Indra / VOI)

JAKARTA - The panel of judges decided to postpone the trial of the case of alleged gratification of the Supreme Court (MA) fatwa administration against the defendant Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari. The delay was carried out because Pinangki's father passed away.

Originally, the trial today was to read out a defense note or pledoi from the defendant Jakasa Pinangki Sirna Malasari. However, Pinangki's defense of the prosecutor's accusation was delayed.

"Today the trial should be with a defense reading agenda, however, there is a sad news conveyed through the secretariat that the defendant's parents have died," said the presiding judge Ignasius Eko Purwanto during a trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Monday, January 18.

Then, Eko also decided to grant Pinangki's request to attend his parents' funeral. But with a note, Pinangki's presence during the funeral process must be under guard.

"The panel of judges granted the legal advisor's request to give the defendant the opportunity to attend the funeral of his parents today. This afternoon. And for that, the Prosecutor should follow up this decision with an escort," he said.

With this postponement, the defense reading trial is scheduled for the next two days.

"So that the defense agenda is postponed, we are scheduled for Wednesday to be read out a defense. The panel of judges is sorry to hear that, remain steadfast regardless of the will of power," he said.

However, the prosecutor also asked a question about the time given by the panel of judges to Pinangki in attending the funeral of his parents.

However, Eko did not clearly explain the matter. He said that it depends on the situation and conditions.

"Today until the funeral is over. The definition of completion is not when it is in the grave, we will see the condition later," he said.

In the previous trial, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) charged Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari with imprisonment of 4 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 500 million, a subsidiary of 6 months.

The prosecutor assessed that Pinangki was proven guilty and convinced him to accept gratification in the processing of a fatwa from the Supreme Court (MA) for Joko Tjandra. For that, the prosecutor asked the judge to find Pinangki guilty.

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