JAKARTA - Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim received a report that at least 27 schools were damaged by the earthquake in West Sulawesi, an earthquake measuring 6.2 magnitude, Friday January 15, early in the morning.

"I also mourn the disasters that have occurred in several areas. I have received reports that at least 27 schools were damaged by the earthquake in West Sulawesi," Nadiem said on his Instagram account @Nadiemmakarim, reported by VOI, Monday, January 18.

He added that the Ministry of Education and Culture has deployed a team to help various schools, educators and students affected by the earthquake.

"My warm greetings to the educators and students there, hopefully they will remain enthusiastic in this difficult situation and we can immediately rise from this disaster," he said.

In this upload, Nadiem uploaded a number of photos of schools damaged by the earthquake in West Sulawesi and floods in South Kalimantan. This photo is a documentation of the West Sulawesi LPMP and the Education Office and the PAUD and PKBM education units of South Kalimantan.

Based on data as of January 17, at 20.00 WIB, the Operations Control Center for the National Disaster Management Agency reported the number of victims who died as a result of the M6,2 earthquake that occurred on Friday, January 15, at 01.28 WIB or 02.28 local time in West Sulawesi Province to 81 people, with details of 70 people died in Mamuju Regency and 11 people in Majane Regency.

BPBD Majene Regency, Mamuju Regency and Polewali Mandar Regency continue to collect data and coordinate with the TNI - Polri, Basarnas and volunteers and other agencies in the evacuation process of the affected community.

In addition, the BNPB Pusdalops also updated data on material losses in Majene Regency, including 1,150 damaged houses that are still in the data collection process and 15 school units affected.

In an effort to meet the needs of the refugees, BNPB has also distributed logistical assistance to Malunda Village, Malunda District, Majene Regency in the form of 140 boxes of instant noodles and 10 boxes of mineral water on Sunday, January 17th.

Previously, BNPB had also handed over initial assistance for basic operational needs for handling the West Sulawesi Earthquake amounting to 4 billion Rupiah today, Saturday (16/1). The assistance was given as much as 2 billion rupiah for West Sulawesi Province and 1 billion rupiah each for Mamuju Regency and Majene Regency.

In addition, BNPB distributed 8 sets of isolation tents, 10 sets of refugee tents, 2,004 packages of nutritional supplements, 2,004 packages of ready-to-eat meals, 1,002 packages of side dishes, 700 blankets, 5 units of Light Tower, 200 units of Velbed, 500 packages of baby supplies, 500,000 pcs of cloth masks, 700 packs of sago noodles and 30 units of 5 KVA generator sets.

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