LAMONGAN - Pekalongan City Government, Central Java, has opened a consultation service post and a complaint on the 2023 Eid holiday allowance (THR) for workers.

This THR post is opened according to weekdays, Monday to Friday. This post will also remain open during the Eid holiday period with operating hours from 08.00 WIB to 15.30 WIB.

To support the smooth running of the task, his party has alerted officers at the THR complaint post for workers and company consultations related to the implementation of THR.

"Reports or consultations can be made by workers by coming directly to the command post at the Industry and Manpower Office or by telephone or WA chat at the predetermined WhatsApp admin number," said Head of the Pekalongan City Industry and Manpower Office Sri Budi Santosa, in Pekalongan, as quoted from Antara, Saturday, April 15.

In addition, he said, there will also be supervision of the implementation of the 2023 Eid THR payments in several companies related to the obstacles faced.

"We involve employers' associations and trade unions in Pekalongan so that the implementation of THR can run smoothly, namely workers get THR rights according to the provisions," he said.

Sri Budi Santosa said the amount of the Lebaran THR has been determined according to the rules, which is 1 month's salary for workers who have worked consecutively for a minimum of 1 year or 12 months.

As for workers who work for 1 month or less than a year, he continued, they will also get THR rights but the amount is adjusted proportionally.

"However, for companies that include holiday allowances exceeding one month's salary in company regulations or cooperation agreements, it is hoped that holiday allowances will be given in a larger nominal according to what is in the company," he said.

He hopes that as economic growth improves, the company can pay holiday allowances for workers on time and not in installments.

"According to Government Regulation Number 36 of 2021 concerning Wages and Regulation of Manpower Number 6 of 2016 concerning Religious Holiday Allowances for Workers / Company Laborers, it is stated that THR is given no later than D-7 Eid 2023, but it is expected to be paid as soon as possible," he said.

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