TANGERANG - The tanker truck driver, Hadli (55) was officially named a suspect in a fatal accident that resulted in three deaths on Jalan Raya Serang, Tangerang Regency.

"Today's driver status we raise as a suspect," said Head of Traffic Police of Tangerang, Kompol Fikri Ardiansyah when confirmed, Tuesday, April 11.

Regarding the cause of the accident, said Fikri, his party is still being investigated by the Tangerang Police Traffic Unit.

"The cause is still being investigated because it must go through experts first," he said.

Previously, it was reported that a fatal accident occurred on Jalan Raya Serang, in front of the Balaraja sub-district office, Km 24, Tangerang Regency. Three people were declared dead in this accident.

Tangerang Police Traffic Head, Kompol Fikri Ardiansyah said the incident occurred in Jengkol Village, Pasir Village, Cikupa, Tangerang Regency, Monday, April 10, in the morning.

He said the incident began when Fuso's tank truck numbered B 9622 N was being driven, Hadli drove from Balaraja to Cikupa, Tangerang Regency. Arriving at the crime scene (TKP), it is suspected that the brakes failed, causing it to hit five motorcyclists.

"(As a result) 3 people died, 1 serious injury and 1 minor injury," Fikri said in a statement, Monday, April 10.

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