TANGERANG Residents of Cicekong Village, Mekar Jaya Village, Panongan District, Tangerang Regency, were shocked by the cry of the baby at around 05.30 WIB. Residents who were curious trying to find the source of the sound. And it turned out that until it was discovered, a baby was found by residents in the bushes in an empty land.

The baby boy was immediately evacuated by residents.

"When found, the baby was in a cardboard box, crying quite loudly. Then it was immediately secured by residents," said Panongan Police Chief Iptu Hotma PA Manurung, in a written statement, Sunday, April 9.

Hotma said the baby was then taken by residents to the village midwife. The discovery of the baby alive was immediately reported to the Panongan Police.

"The Panongan Police function counter immediately processed the crime scene (TKP). Secured the evidence and examined witnesses," explained Hotma.

Hotma said the suspect who threw the baby had been assigned to the wanted list (DPO). Currently, officers are pursuing it.

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