DPR RI member Hermanto stated that a joint evaluation was needed regarding the stunting rate in West Sumatra which had increased.

"This must be evaluated together and what causes this figure to remain high even though the president's target is at 14 percent in 2024," he said.

However, he is optimistic that the number of children who fail to grow due to malnutrition or stunting in West Sumatra can be suppressed with various simultaneous efforts made to meet the nutrition of the community.

"Stunting is a national interest and all of us must play a real role in suppressing this figure," said member of the DPR RI for the West Sumatra electoral district I Hermanto in Padang, Saturday.

He said that one of the efforts made by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries spreads quality tuna with good quality to the community.

In addition, there is a program that likes fish that invites people to meet protein needs by consuming fish.

"This is also done by other ministries, the central and regional governments must work together to encourage children under five to meet their nutritional needs," he said.

He said he was optimistic that this figure could be suppressed because currently the COVID-19 pandemic had ended so that the government's program to suppress stunting could be carried out more freely.

Previously, the Head of the National Population Agency for Family Planning (BKKBN) of West Sumatra, Fatmawati said that in 2022 the prevalence of stunting in West Sumatra rose by around 1.9 percent from 23.03 percent in 2021 to 25.2 percent in 2022.

The increase occurred in seven districts and cities in West Sumatra, namely, Pasaman 11 percent, Agam five percent, Padang 0.4 percent, Dharmasraya, South Solok, Pesisir Selatan and Mentawai.

However, there are districts and cities that have decreased stunting rates, such as Sawahlunto at 13 percent and others.

"We really control the upping stunting this year, so the stunting rate will decrease," he concluded.

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