The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kemayoran Police has checked the scene of the mugging (TKP) that happened to an 8-year-old boy on Jalan Haji Ung Dalam, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta on Wednesday, April 5. This case is not the first time this has happened in the area.

At the time of the incident, the victim was playing with his cellphone in front of his house. The incident was also caught on CCTV cameras at the scene. In the recording, the perpetrator was seen using a motorbike approaching the victim and immediately snatching the cellphone that was being held by the victim.

Kemayoran Police Chief Kompol Ardiansyah confirmed the mugging incident. However, until now the police have not received any reports of victims related to the mugging incident.

"Until now, the victim has not made a report to the police. However, we are still conducting an investigation to uncover the case," said Kompol Ardiansyah when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, April 5.

The Criminal Investigation Unit checked the crime scene and looked for witnesses related to the incident.

"We went to the TKP, the field members were led by the Criminal Investigation Unit again to check and ask the victim and look for witnesses," he said.

Andreas, the victim's father, explained that the perpetrator before carrying out his actions was often stagnant in his environment. The perpetrator's pursuit was carried out by the victim's mother, because the perpetrator fled quickly so that the victim's mother lost track.

"My son was playing in front of the bench there, the story was that the perpetrator had returned 8 times, looking back at the situation. Muter was again when the incident happened before Adzan Ashar became a child and his cellphone was immediately pulled by his cellphone. We immediately chased him straight, didn't know the thief turned to the mosque. So the difference in running when Adzan was in front of the mosque was crowded, we thought it was impossible. That's why we went straight when we saw CCTV, he turned it into the right side of the mosque," said the victim's father.

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