JAKARTA - The police said that the presence of Raffi Ahmad at a birthday event and it was suspected that the violation of the health protocol (prokes) occurred spontaneously. Raffi was said to have not been officially invited to the event.

"Actually, he (Raffi) was not officially invited. He just came spontaneously," said Kapolsek Mampang Prapatan, Kompol Sujarwo to VOI, Thursday, January 14.

The arrival of Raffi with his wife and children was only asked by the son of the owner of the house. This is because Raffi and the son of the home owner are business partners.

Apart from that, based on the results of an interim investigation, Raffi did not stay at the event too long. But the police will still investigate the alleged violation of the prokes.

"We are still investigating. We are still looking for information and later will coordinate with the COVID-19 Handling Task Force," he said.

Police investigations are still in the process of searching for evidence and information. This is because CCTV cameras were not found in the house which was used as a birthday party.

"We are still gathering evidence because there is none there. The location is a house that has not yet been fully completed, so there is no CCTV," he said.

Previously, Head of the Presidential Secretariat Heru Budi Hartono said that his party would reprimand Raffi Ahmad for hanging out with other people after undergoing the COVID-19 vaccination.

"Thank you for the information. We will advise you," Heru said in a short message, Thursday, January 14.

The crowd became known after a number of photos of Raffi Ahmad attending an event spread on social media for some time. In fact, Raffi's involvement in the crowd was after he got the chance for the first vaccination at the State Palace.

In the photo circulating, Raffi Ahmad and his wife, Nagita Slavina, took a photo without wearing a mask and keeping a distance from a number of people, including Gading Marten and Anya Geraldine.

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