JAKARTA - PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk has integrated or adjusted the rates for the Jakarta Cikampek II Elevated Toll Road, aka the Elevated Toll Road, with the existing one. Therefore, the Jakarta IC-Cikampek toll rate will increase.

President Director of PT Jasamarga Jalanlayang Cikampek (JJC) Vera Kirana said the tariff adjustment also considers that economic conditions are starting to recover, especially since the COVID-19 vaccination program has been implemented since Wednesday, January 13.

"Currently, with the hope of handling the pandemic through the vaccine program, integrated tariffs for the Jakarta-Cikampek and Jakarta-Cikampek II Elevated sections will be implemented on January 17, 2021 00.00 Western Indonesian Time," he said in a virtual press conference, Thursday, January 14. .

Vera said, since it was operated on December 15, 2019, the Jakarta-Cikampek II Elevated Toll Road has not been charged a tariff until now, so toll road users can pass it for free without being subject to additional tariffs.

"On December 15 it has been operated without tariffs. Until now, it has been approximately 13 months. From December 15, 2019 to the present, the tariff used is the existing Jakarta-Cikampek tariff," he said.

On the same occasion, Jasa Marga's Corporate Communication & Community Development Group Head Dwimawan Heru emphasized that the implementation of this integrated tariff is in accordance with the Ministerial Decree (Kepmen) of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) No.1524 / KPTS / M / 2020 dated 22 October 2020 concerning Integration of the Toll Collection System, Assignment of Types of Motor Vehicles and Amount of Toll Rates on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road and the Jakarta-Cikampek II Elevated Toll Road.

Heru added, although the PUPR Ministerial Decree had been received several months ago, Jasa Marga had not made any tariff adjustments considering the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic conditions.

"Currently, with the hope of handling the COVID-19 pandemic through a vaccine program, Jasa Marga will impose a tariff for the Jakarta-Cikampek II Elevated Toll Road, which has actually been delayed for more than one year," Heru said.

The following is a breakdown of the amount of the implementation of the new integrated tariff for Jakarta IC:

Region 1 Jakarta IC - Pondok Gede Barat / Pondok Gede Timur:

- Goal I IDR 4,000

- Gol II Rp. 6,000

- Gol III Rp. 6,000

- Goal IV IDR 8,000

- Goal V IDR 8,000

Area 2 Jakarta IC - Cikarang Barat:

- Goal I IDR 7,000

- Gol II IDR 10,500

- Gol III Rp.10,500

- Goal IV IDR 14,000

- Goal V IDR 14,000

Area 3 Jakarta IC - West Karawang:

- Goal I IDR 12,000

- Gol II IDR 18,000

- Gol III IDR 18,000

- Goal IV IDR 24,000

- Goal V IDR 24,000

Area 4 Jakarta IC - Cikampek:

- Goal I IDR 20,000

- Gol II IDR 30,000

- Gol III IDR 30,000

- Goal IV IDR 40,000

- Goal V IDR 40,000

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