JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the DPR Azis Syamsuddin asked all parties not to speculate on the decision of the Honorary Council of Election Administrators (DKPP) which dismissed Arief Budiman from his position as Chairman of the KPU. "The DPR will study first, we will hear DKPP's explanation regarding the issue in a transparent manner," he said. Azis Syamsuddin was quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 13.

According to Azis, do not let the KPU's workload be disturbed and hampered by the decision. Moreover, the KPU has just held the 2020 simultaneous regional elections and needs to conduct an evaluation. Azis asked the election organizers to make a learning and evaluation of these problems so as to create a better implementation of "democratic party" and improve the quality of democracy. "This should not be repeated, This problem originated from a dispute over the votes of candidate pairs in West Kalimantan which impacted the Constitutional Court and eventually ended up in the RI KPU. If there are missing votes or inflation, it means that something was wrong in its implementation, "he said. Previously, DKPP imposed sanctions on Arief Budiman, namely dismissal. from the position of Chairman of the Indonesian KPU. "Imposing the final stern warning sanction and dismissal from the position of Chairman of the General Election Commission of the Republic of Indonesia to the accused Arief Budiman as Chairman of the General Election Commission of the Republic of Indonesia since this decision was read," reads a copy of the decision signed by the Chairman of the DKPP Muhammad, in Jakarta a, Wednesday, January 13.

Regarding the sanction, DKPP ordered the Indonesian KPU to carry out the decision no later than 7 days after it was read. DKPP also ordered the Election Supervisory Body of the Republic of Indonesia to supervise the implementation of this decision. Arief Budiman was considered guilty of violating the code of ethics and code of conduct of the election organizers for accompanying or accompanying Evi Novida Ginting Manik, who was dismissed by DKPP on March 18, 2020, to register a lawsuit at the Jakarta State Administrative Court.

Arief is considered to have made a decision that allegedly exceeded his authority, namely issuing the KPU RI letter Number 663 / SDM.13-SD / 05 / KPU / VIII / 2020, on August 18, 2020.

Arief Budiman's action of issuing KPU Letter Number 663 / SDM.13-SD / 05 / KPU / VIII / 2020 by adding a clause asking Evi Novida Ginting Manik to actively carry out his duties as a member of the KPU for the 2017-2022 period is an act of abuse of authority in his position as Chairman of the KPU .

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