JAKARTA - Let Elka Pangestu meet President Joko Widodo at the Bogor Presidential Palace, Tuesday, February 11. In this meeting, President Jokowi nominated Mari Elka Pangestu to assume the position of managing director of the World Bank (World Bank).

Mari Elka will assume the position of Executive Director of World Bank Development Policy and Partnerships starting March 1, 2020.

"The President hopes that I can regularly update the current world situation, which of course has many issues and many challenges so that he can always be updated about the situation outside," said Mari Elka, who thanked her for this nomination after the meeting to launch Setkab. go.id.

He explained that the meeting with the President discussed the challenges of the World Bank. Mari Elka conveyed that the current global economy is facing many uncertainties. Therefore, developing countries need to take action to anticipate this global uncertainty, both from an economic perspective and issues of sustainable development.

"How do we anticipate that this year, especially the prediction, world growth will be lower than previously thought, especially with the Corona Virus, and so on," he said.

Mari Elka conveyed to the President, facing this problem by continuing the economic integrity program that occurred in ASEAN as well as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership or RCEP which involved ASEAN with 6 other countries.

Even though there is trade uncertainty in the world, Mari continued, Indonesia must continue the process of openness and economic integration that occurs in its region. "Because it will be a source of new growth as well, so that's one of the things we discussed earlier," he said.

In a situation of uncertainty, continued Mari Elka, carrying out structural reforms such as those which are currently the priority programs of the President is the most appropriate step.

"If we look at the issue of development and how both developing and developed countries can respond to uncertainty," he said.

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