JAKARTA - Head of Topol Pusinafis Bareskrim Polri Kombes Sriyanto said that two Sriwijaya Air passengers with flight number SJ-182 were identified, namely Indah Halimah Putri and Agus Minarni, which were identified through their fingerprints.

Indah Halimah Putri, who was registered on number 24 of the passenger manifest, said Sriyanto, was identified through a fingerprint on the thumb of her right hand.

"First the label number 0027 from the fingerprint of the left thumb, from the victim's body we found, we looked for it from the fingerprint, we compared it with the e-KTP fingerprint, it turns out that the left thumb is identical, 12 points identical. This in our opinion is indisputable, "Sriyanto said in a press conference at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, Wednesday, January 13.

As for Agus Minarni, he said that he was identified after the DVI team matched the fingerprints on the thumb of his right hand with the e-KTP data.

"We get fingerprints from the victim from the right thumb. After we compare it with the fingerprints on the e-KTP, the right thumb is identical to the 12 points of the equation in the name of Agus Minarni, manifest number 52," he said.

Indah and Agus were the passengers who were identified by the DVI Team today.

It is known that since Monday, January 11, there have been four passengers whose identities were identified and two of them were crews from Sriwijaya Air. The two crews are Okky Bisma who is the flight attendent or steward of the unlucky plane and Fadly Satrianto who is an extra crew.

While the other two were passengers, namely Khasanah and Asy Habul Yamin. These four people were identified by using the fingerprint matching method with a special tool that stores a database from the Ministry of Home Affairs Disdukcapil.

Previously, the Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 plane on the Jakarta-Pontianak route had lost contact in the Thousand Islands shortly after taking off from Soekarno Hatta Airport on Saturday, January 9, 2020. Furthermore, the authorities provided certainty if the plane crashed in the vicinity of Laki and Pulau Lancang, Thousand Islands.

The total aircraft carried 62 people, including 12 crew members and 50 passengers consisting of 40 adult passengers, seven children and three babies.

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