JAKARTA - Personnel from the Directorate of Water and Air Police of the East Java Regional Police found the body of a woman suspected of being a victim of a mining boat over the river in the Jalan Mastrip Kemlaten area, Surabaya City, Sunday, March 26.

Head of the East Java Police Ditpolairud Patrol Sub-Directorate Adjunct Commissioner of Police Budi Sulistianto said the woman's body was found by patrol officers in the river area which is located under the Gunung Sari Surabaya toll bridge.

"It was found at around 12.15 WIB. This (river under the Gunung Sari Toll bridge) entered sector four, near the floodgate," he said.

Budi explained that the discovery of the body began when the Ditpolairud officers who were deployed were combing the river search area under the Gunung Sari Toll Bridge to the floodgate.

The team that was deployed conducted a sweep of the river area did not find any signs of the victim's whereabouts.

However, not long after, the body of the body was seen by officers guarding the riverbank area.

The position of the body was swept away by the current and found right in the river under the Gunung Sari toll bridge.

A total of 10 Ditpolairud personnel were deployed to search for victims of the overturned mining boat incident.

"So, the victim was swept away through the bottom of the bridge, our team happened to be standing by here. After knowing (seeing the body) the officers immediately chased them, then evacuated the victims," he said.

He suspected that the victim's body was caught in mud before it was finally found floating in the location of the discovery.

"We combed the side near the tidal floodgate, nothing. Then it was found here. It has been back and forth (swimming) since yesterday but its whereabouts were not found, otherwise (explained) mud, it might be a rock," he said.

After being found, the bodies were immediately evacuated by SAR personnel from the East Java Police Ditpolairud to the riverbank for identification.

Budi said that based on the results of initial identification, the bodies found had similar characteristics to the victims of the overturned mining boat incident.

"The characteristics are more or less the same as those identified. The gender of the woman and her age is approximately 23 years wearing a t-shirt. Later the complete data will be in the hospital, please," he said.

The officers then took the body to Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya for further identification.

Previously, based on data from the Surabaya SAR Office, the mining boat carried 12 passengers, including officers or boat operators.

However, of the 12 victims, one victim was declared missing at the time of Saturday (25/3) incident. Joint personnel from various elements then conducted a search.

The search process on the first day has not yielded results. The operation then reopened this Sunday morning.

The following is data on the passengers of the mining boat.

1. Desire Peni Chindy Khaterine, Woman, 24 years old (found dead). 2. Iqbal Widiantoro, Male (congratulated). 3. Endang Karyati, Woman (congratulated). 4. Eko Wahyudi, Male (congratulated). 5. Iwan Erwanto, Male (congratulated).6. Hamdani, Male (congratulated).7. Novia Triastutik, Woman (safe).8. Agus Subroto, Male (safe).9. Didik Agkmadi, Male (congratulated).10. Moh Noorfuadi, Male (congratulated).11. Erlita Dwi, Perempuan (safe).12. Dedi Saptono, Male (safe).

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