The Batang Regency Government, Central Java, will prepare three bus units to pick up local residents who are being monitored in the 2023 free homecoming program.

Acting Head of the Batang Regency Transportation Service, Dwi Iriyanto, in Batang, Saturday, said that the free homecoming program was intended for residents who had original identity cards (KTP) from Batang.

"We have prepared three bus units for free homecoming later. So, Batang residents who are on the spot can take advantage of the 2023 free homecoming program," he said, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, March 25.

According to him, for the registration of the free homecoming program, his party does not have a special link, but the public can contact the Batang Regency residents in Jakarta.

As for the pick-up point for residents who are on observation, he said, the location is still the same as the previous year, which was centered at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, East Jakarta.

Dwi Iriyanto said that his party had not yet scheduled for sure when the bus unit would be dispatched to Jakarta to pick up residents who were on observation.

However, he said, based on previous experience in this free homecoming program, bus transportation will be dispatched to Jakarta on D-7 Lebaran 2023.

It is said that this free homecoming program can be used as another alternative so that people do not go home using motorbikes because it is very risky on the highway.

Then for the Batang people who are not accommodated by the transportation mode provided, he said, his party can take advantage of the free homecoming program organized by the Central Java Provincial Government.

"The Central Java Provincial Government also held a 2023 free homecoming program. Based on information from the Central Java Provincial Government, it provides 485 quotas with bus transportation modes that have been opened since Monday, March 13," he said.

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