JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has named the head of the National Police's Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo as the only candidate for the National Police Chief to the Indonesian Parliament.

Then what was Sigit's achievement that Jokowi submitted his name to the DPR. Under Sigit's command, Bareskrim revealed a number of large cases that drew public attention.

At the beginning of his tenure, Sigit immediately stepped on the gas by uncovering the case of pouring hard water on KPK investigator Novel Baswedan. On December 27, 2019, Sigit directly announced the arrest of the two suspected perpetrators of the case. They are, RM and RB, both of whom are members of the police.

"Last night the technical team had secured the perpetrator who was suspected of watering NB's voice, the perpetrators were two RM and RB initials," Listyo said at a press conference at Polda Metro Jaya, Friday, December 27, 2019.

Shortly after that, the Police Criminal Investigation Unit delegated phase II of the suspect case and evidence of the alleged corruption case of PT Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI) condensate to the Attorney General's Office (AGO) after being declared complete or P21.

It is known, this case has been rolling since 2015 and stalled for a long time due to non-technical obstacles. However, due to strong coordination between Bareskrim and the Attorney General's Office, the case was finally resolved.

In court, Honggo was sentenced to 16 years in prison and a fine of IDR 1 billion subsidiary 6 months in prison. Meanwhile, the other two suspects Raden Priyono and Djoko Harsono were sentenced to 4 years in prison plus a fine of IDR 200 million, a subsidiary of 2 months.

It does not stop there, Bareskrim also proves that law enforcement is indiscriminate and embodies a commitment to internal reform.

This was reflected in the arrest of the fugitive convict convicted in the Bank Bali collection rights (cassie) case, Djoko Tjandra on July 30, 2020. In fact, in this case, Komjen Listyo directly led a team to Malaysia to arrest Djoko Tjandra.

Sigit said that Djoko Tjandra's arrest began with the order of the National Police Chief General Idham Azis to form a team to bring fugitive Djoko Tjandra back to Indonesia.

"Regarding the incident, the President ordered to search for Djoko Tjandra wherever he was and was immediately arrested to be resolved so that everything became clear, on this order to the National Police Chief, the Chief of Police formed a special team which then intensively searched for Djoko Tjandra's whereabouts," said Sigit at Halim Airport. Perdana Kusuma, East Jakarta, Thursday, 30 July 2020 night.

The arrest of Djoko Tjandra was referred to by Sigit as the National Police's commitment to enforcing the law, as well as answering public doubts. Moreover, in the investigation of this case, it was found that two unscrupulous generals were involved, namely, Brigadier General Prasetijo Utomo and Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte.

Before arresting Djoko Tjandra, the National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit together with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights also arrested Maria Pauline Lumowa, who had been a fugitive for 17 years in a bank fraud case worth IDR 1.7 trillion. In this case, Bareskrim Polri is committed to investigating the case down to its roots.

Teanyar Bareskrim Polri is handling a case of alleged attack by the FPI Laskar to the police on the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road. Investigations are carried out in a transparent, objective and inclusive manner, such as the National Commission on Human Rights and other independent institutions.

In fact, cases of alleged violations of health quarantine that dragged Rizieq Shihab, starting from Petamburan, Central Jakarta, the crowd in Megamendung and Ummi Hospital in Bogor were all taken over by Bareskrim.

Then, Bareskrim also took over the investigation of alleged violations of health protocol in the crowd that occurred at the Haul Syekh Abdul Qadir Jailani event which was held at the Al-Istiqlaliyyah Islamic Boarding School, Cilongok Village, Tangerang Regency, on November 29. Now, the case is still in the process of being investigated.

Another major case disclosure handled by Sigit and his staff was the fire at the Attorney General's Office Building (Kejagung). Bareskrim investigators have named 11 people as suspects.

Then in the handling of corruption cases, the National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit was recorded as having saved state funds amounting to IDR 310,817,274,052. This amount is the result of the handling of the 485 corruption cases handled. "In 2020, the government will save around Rp310,817,274,052," said the former Banten Police Chief.

In 2020, Bareskrim Polri received 1,412 police reports related to criminal cases of corruption. Of that number, some of them have completed or P21 as many as 485, 19 were delegated and terminated or there were 31 cases of SP3. Meanwhile, until now, Bareskrim Polri is still carrying out the process of investigating as many as 877 cases of rasuah crime in Indonesia.

In handling cases in the cyber world, Bareskrim Polri throughout 2020 has recorded 140 cases of suspected criminal acts of spreading false or hoax information related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on data, from the hundreds of cases of Covid-19 hoaxes that were revealed, at least 140 people have been named as suspects.

"Hoaxes and provocations can divide the unity of the Indonesian nation. So, a common awareness is needed to prevent this from happening. Because the people are disadvantaged," he said.

Apart from hoaxes, throughout 2020, the National Police's Criminal Investigation Directorate also handled several prominent cases. Among these cases, the disclosure of alleged provocations that caused riots in a demonstration against the Omnibus Law Work Creation Law.

Then the case of alleged humiliation against NU which identified one person as a suspect. Then, the case that ensnared Ruslan Buton was related to hate speech, an international network E-Commerce burglary case, a case of illegal access to the official website of the Central Jakarta Court, and Illegal Access to Linkaja. As well as the arrest of the suspected perpetrator of insulting the Head of the Presidential Staff Office, Moeldoko. Then the insult to Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.

Not only that, Ditipideksus has also revealed cases of fraud by international crime syndicates related to the purchase of ventilators and Covid-19 monitors. In this case, there were three perpetrators arrested. In this case, initially there was an Italian company, Althea Italy and a company from China, namely Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics, which entered into a sale and purchase contract related to medical equipment for ventilators and Covid-19 monitors.

"Several times the payment was made, then in the middle of the trip, a person who claimed to be the GM of the Italian company informed that there was a change in the account related to the payment problem so that the message that came from the email was changed to the account for payment using a bank in Indonesia," he said. Bite.

On the other hand, the performance of Bareskrim Polri in uncovering cases of medical device fraud with Dutch company victims received direct appreciation from the Dutch State authorities. This was realized from the working visit of the Dutch Ambassador and the Dutch Police Attache.

On this occasion, the Dutch authorities gave their appreciation to Bareskrim Polri for revealing a crime that caused financial losses of IDR 51,206,450,722.90.

Another major case dismantled by the Bareskrim ranks was exposing 1.2 tons of methamphetamine-type drugs. The evidence was confiscated from the Iran-Middle East network which was arrested in 2 different locations, namely in Serang, Banten and Sukabumi, West Java.

In total throughout 2020, the National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit secured evidence of 5.91 tons of methamphetamine, 50.59 tons of marijuana, and 905,425 ecstasy pills. Of the 41,093 cases of criminal drug offenses, 53,176 suspects were subject to legal proceedings.

For drug crimes, Bareskrim Polri together with Polda Metro Jaya revealed the circulation of methamphetamine-type narcotics in the Middle East network, in Petamburan, Central Jakarta. The police arrested 11 people with 200 kg of methamphetamine evidence.

Then, another prominent case was handled by the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit, namely the case of forest and land fires or karhutla. Throughout 2020, cases of forest and land fires have decreased compared to 2019.

This year, the Karhutla Task Force (Satgas) has named 139 people and two corporations as suspects. Where 99 cases have been resolved by his staff while 131 cases are still being investigated. The burned area also shrank to 274,375 hectares with a hotspot of 2,875.

Meanwhile in 2019, the number of forest and land fire suspects reached 398 with 24 corporations. Meanwhile, the number of burned areas reached 1,649,258 hectares or a drastic decrease compared to 2019.

Not stopping there, Bareskrim Polri noted that from January to December 2020 it had uncovered 455 cases of environmental crimes that could cause natural disasters. This is due to rampant illegal mining or illegal mining and plantation crime.

Komjen Sigit said, of the hundreds of cases disclosed, it was found that the illegal activity resulted in natural disasters such as flash floods and landslides. As happened in West Sumatra, South Sumatra, Banten, West Java, East Java, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi.

"The trend of environmental cases in the scope of the Plantation, Forestry and Mining Law has been revealed as many as 455 cases," said Sigit.

Of the 455 cases revealed by Bareskrim throughout 2020, at least 620 people have been named as suspects. This figure has increased dramatically compared to the previous year or 2019, with 197 suspects.

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