JAKARTA - The General Election Commission (KPU) denied the statement in the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court (PN) regarding mediation with the Prima Party before the trial was held in an additional appeal memory submitted to the Central Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, March 21. "In the consideration of the law on the Decision of the Central Jakarta District Court Number 757/Pdt.G/2022/PN Jkt.Pst page 42 it was stated that the court had sought peace through mediation by appointing judges at the Central Jakarta District Court as mediators. Based on the mediator's report dated October 26, 2022, peace efforts were unsuccessful, even though there was never any mediation," said KPU RI member Mochammad Afifuddin at a press conference at the KPU Media Center, Jakarta, Friday, March 24, confiscated by Antara. According to KPU, continued Afif, Mochammad Afifuddin's greeting, the examination of civil cases without preceding mediation violated Article 3 paragraph (3) of the Supreme Court Regulation (Perma) Number 1 of 2016 concerning the Mediation Procedure in Court. "Reputes from the occurrence of violations without mediation, examination of judicial defects cases must be determined as the sidelines for mediation as regulated in Article 3 paragraph (4) Perma 1/2016," he said. The article states that in the case of violations of the provisions, namely examination of civil cases without prioritizing mediation, if a legal action is submitted, a court level appeal or the Supreme Court with a decision on the sidelines ordered a first level court to conduct mediation.

Next in the memory of the additional appeal, the KPU conveyed a number of other points, including the KPU requesting the suspension of the implementation of the verdict as well as the verdict of the Central Jakarta District Court.

Some of the things behind the petition are that there are state interests that must be prioritized in carrying out Article 22E paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia that elections are held directly, in general, free, secret, honest, and fair once every five years. Various provisions regulated in the Election Law are nothing related to the reasons for the postponement of elections. There are follow-up elections and follow-up elections.

In addition, the KPU considers there to be a possibility of two or more different legal powers of decision because on the one hand, the KPU is currently required to provide an opportunity to improve administrative verification for 10 x 24 hours to the Prima Party based on Bawaslu Decision Number 001/LP/ADM.PL/BWSL/00.00/III/2023. "But on the other hand, based on the verdict and the amount of the Central Jakarta District Court, the KPU was also ordered to postpone the election stages by automatically meaning delaying the stages of verification of improvement, as stated in the Bawaslu decision," said Afif.The submission of additional appeal memory by the KPU was suggested by Commission II of the DPR in a Hearing Meeting (RDP) at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 15. In the meeting, Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR Junimart Girsang asked the KPU to make additional appeal memory to strengthen the appeal submitted in response to the Central Jakarta District Court's decision related to the Prima Party's lawsuit. In addition, Junimart asked the KPU to hire a lawyer.

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