MAKASSAR - The Makassar City Resort Police (Polrestabes) team is investigating a case of breaking into a number of rooms at Makassar State Vocational High School (SMKN) 8, South Sulawesi.

"It's true, today it was reported to us that there was a criminal act of theft at SMKN 8 on Jalan Monginsidi," said the Head of the Public Relations Section of the Makassar Police, Kompol Lando Sambolangi, reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 21.

From the description of the reporter, he said, the chronology of events at that time the staff of the state civil apparatus (ASN) at the SMKN opened the school doors at around 7.00 WITA saw the teacher and administrative rooms were open and items were scattered on the floor.

After the incident, the police together with the Inafis Polrestabes Makassar team went straight to the location to process the crime scene (TKP) in a number of rooms that were allegedly broken into by the thief.

"The actions taken by the team after receiving the police report, especially from the Makassar Police together with the Inafis team, checked and processed the TKP, then examined what items were missing and what was damaged," he said.

Based on the reports received and the results of checking at the TKP, cash worth IDR 14 million was missing, and CCTV DVR (decoder) items worth IDR 8 million were also missing, so the total loss is estimated at IDR 22 million.

Specifically for the room that was broken into, said Lando, namely the administration room, and the catering teacher's room. From the initial investigation, it is suspected that the perpetrator entered the room by breaking the door, so he could freely enter the room," he said.

The Principal of SMKN 8 Makassar, Asnah Baharuddin, when confirmed, had not provided any information regarding this matter. He left it entirely to the police to uncover the theft case.

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