The water discharge of the Juwana River is starting to recede, causing one village in Pati Regency, Central Java to still be inundated. BPBD noted that villages that are still affected by flooding from the previous 53 villages spread across nine sub-districts. "The area that is still affected is Banjarsari Village, Gabus District. However, the inundation is only in the village entrance and does not enter the residents' houses," said Head of the daily Executor of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Pati Regency, Martinus Budi Prasetyo, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 21. Previous experience, he said, Doropayung Village, Juwana District, was the area that was the last to recede, but when the local village had receded it turned out that there were still inundated villages. For other villages, he made sure there were no inundation because the Juwana River water discharge had also begun to decline. Previously, the Pati Regency Government had also made maximum efforts, including setting up evacuation places for up to four public kitchens to meet the daily food needs of displaced residents and those who remained at their flooded houses. Meanwhile, villages that were not available were public kitchens supplied with the required foodstuffs. Evacuation residents, including residents of Kasiyan Village, Sukolilo District and Doropayung Village, Juwana District, with the number of refugees there were 44 people. Meanwhile, those affected reached 7,533 people because most residents preferred to stay at home, have now returned to their respective homes. Even though the flood had recededed, the Pati Regency Government together with Baznas continued to distribute aid to post-banjir victims in Mintobasuki Village, Gabus District. Baznas provides 250 packages of rice for flood-affected residents in Mintobasuki Village, where there are currently no longer flood inundations. Debit of the Juwana Surut River, One Village in Pati Jatim Still Affected by Floods

The water discharge of the Juwana River has started to recede, causing one village in Pati Regency, Central Java to still be inundated. BPBD Pati Regency, Central Java, noted that villages that are still affected by flooding from the previous 53 villages spread across nine sub-districts, have now decreased and only leaves one village. "The area that is still affected is Banjarsari Village, Gabus District. However, the inundation is only on the village entrance and does not enter the residents' homes," said Head of the daily Executive Board of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Pati Martinus Regency Budi Prasetyo, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 21. Previous experience, he said, Doropayung Village, Juwana District, was the last area to recede, but when the local village had recededed it turned out that there were still inundated villages. For other villages, he made sure that there were no puddles because the Juwana River water discharge had also begun to decline. Previously, the Pati Regency Government also made maximum efforts, including preparing refugee camps up to four public kitchens to meet the daily needs of displaced residents and those who survived in flood-affected houses. Meanwhile, villages that were not available in public kitchens were supplied with the required food ingredients. Refugee residents, including residents of Kasiyan Village, Sukolilo District and Doropayung Village, Juwana District, with the number of refugees there were 44 people. While those affected reached 7,533 people because most residents preferred to stay at home, have now returned to their respective homes.

Even though the flood had receded, the Pati Regency Government together with Baznas continued to distribute aid to post-flood victims in Mintobasuki Village, Gabus District. Baznas provides 250 packages of rice for flood-affected residents in Mintobasuki Village, which currently has no more flooding inundation.

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