MATARAM - West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police confirmed that cases of alleged sexual harassment by a number of female students in Mataram City could continue if there were new reports.

In early December 2022, the NTB Police stated that the handling of cases of alleged sexual harassment against a number of female students in Mataram City could not continue to the investigation stage because the victim withdrew the report.

"In addition to other victims who have just reported, this case can be reopened if the victim's witness who had previously withdrawn his statement stated that this case would continue," said Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Police Commissioner Lalu Muhammad Iwan Mahardan, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 21.

Kombes Iwan said that the statement of the victim witness who did not want to continue this case by withdrawing the report became the basis for the police to stop the investigation.

"So, actually this investigation is not stopped, but cannot be escalated to an investigation because the victim's reporting or witness does not want to continue this case. So, what will be handled," he said.

If only one of the 10 female students victims wants to withdraw the statement of revocation of the report, Iwan assured that his party would continue to handle the alleged immoral case.

He explained that the case was included in the complaint offense category.

"The offense of the complaint, the victim or party who feels aggrieved must complain, make a report. That's what the complaint offense means," he said.

In early December 2022, the NTB Police stated that the handling of cases of alleged sexual harassment against a number of female students in Mataram City could not continue to the investigation stage.

The revocation of the report from the victim, he said, made the criminal element in this matter not fulfilled.

Dalam persoalan ini, pihak terlapor berinisial FA (60), sebelumnya telah mengakui perbuatan asusila terhadap korban. Namun, hal itu belum bisa juga menjadi kelengkapan pemenuhan alat bukti.

The case, which is under the handling of the Sub-Ditreskrimum of Youth, Children and Women (Renakta) of the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the NTB Police, previously came from reports of victims.

The victim submitted a report to the police with the assistance of the Mataram University Consulting and Legal Aid Bureau Team (BKBH).

In the report, BKBH Unram attaches the mode of the reported sexual harassment. In addition to promising to graduate from college, AF is also suspected of playing a role in spiritual medicine for victims, promising that the thesis runs smoothly, and also works as an intern at a notary.

From the report, the Unram BKBH also includes information that the AF reported carried out the modus operandi of 10 female students in the period October 2021 to March 2022.

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