JAKARTA - The government through the National Food Agency (Bapanas), on March 15, 2023, has set a Government Purchase Price (HPP) for new grain and rice, replacing Permendag Number 20 of 2020. For this stipulation, Fadli Zon, Chairman of the Indonesian Farmers Harmony Association (HKTI) gave a statement.

In this provision, it is stated that the Farmer's Dried Rice Grain (GKP) HPP is IDR 5,000 per kg, the milling level is IDR 5,100 per kg, the Dry Giling Grain (GKG) is at annealing level of IDR 6,200 per kg, the Dry Grenching Grain (GKG) in Bulog's Perum Warehouse is IDR 6,300 per kg, and the Rice in Bulog's Perum Warehouse is IDR 9,950 per kg.

The determination of the BPP Gabah and HET Beras is then regulated in the National Food Agency Regulation. "Regarding the determination of the BP Gabah and HET Beras, the National Leadership Council of the Indonesian Farmers Harmony Association (HKTI) can understand and understand even though the amount is under the proposal of the HPP from HKTI," said a written statement signed by the Chairman of KHTI Fadli Zon and the Secretary General of Aware Subagyo received by VOI.

In December 2023, DPN HKTI officially proposed an adjustment to HPP, which has not been adjusted for more than 2 years (Permendag 20 of 2020), namely for GKP at the Farmer level of Rp5,550 per kg, GKP at the milling level of Rp5,620 per kg, and GKG at the milling level of Rp6,660 per kg.

The proposal is in order to guarantee 30 percent of farmers' profits. HKTI interprets the stipulation of this new HPP as a step forward and good faith.

The government through Bapanas is increasingly concerned about the welfare of farmers. In addition to HKTI, it also appreciates the process of determining this new HPP which is democratic and participatory which involves and asks for input from farmer organizations in the country. This step forward, good faith and participatory process in the view of HKTI must be maintained and maintained.

"To make this new HPP implementation effective and in order to have a significant impact on improving farmers' welfare, HKTI is of the view that Perum Bulog in meeting government rice reserves (CBP) must be met by absorbing grain from farmers according to HPP," emphasized Fadli Zon.

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