SOUTH SUMATRA - Police arrested a herd of barge hijackers cargoing 88.817 tons of palm oil in Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) Regency, South Sumatra (Sumsel). The perpetrators used homemade firearms (senpi) to carry out their actions.

The Chief of the OKI Resort Police, AKBP Diliyanto, said that four of the ship hijackers were caught.

"They are four of the 26 perpetrators of piracy who have now been secured in the detention room of the OKI Resort Police to undergo the investigation process. The rest (perpetrators) are being hunted by the police," he said when he revealed the case in OKI, South Sumatra, Monday, March 20, was confiscated by Antara.

The four hijackers include Karim (36), Usman (38), Harun Roni (29) and Abu Soleh (27). The perpetrators are residents of Karangsia Village, Win River, OKI.

They were arrested separately by joint personnel from the Criminal Investigation Unit and personnel from the OKI Resort Police Airud at their respective homes, Sunday, March 19 in the morning.

Diliyanto explained that the hijacking took place on Sunday, March 12 at 04.00 WIB, when the tugboat pulling a barge passed through the waters of Karangsia Village, Win River, OKI.

Based on the police investigation, at that time the perpetrators acted with homemade rifles to threaten the captain and crew.

Then, after the ship was successfully controlled, the perpetrators stole the contents of the barge that was pulled by the tugboat.

The tagboat carried 88.817 tons of palm fruit bunches belonging to PT SJP Sampoerna Agro group

Diliyanto said, in this case the company suffered a loss of Rp. 12 million.

From the hands of the four police officers confiscated three homemade rifles, four bullets, two knives that were allegedly used during piracy.

For their actions, the four perpetrators were charged with violating Article 441 of the Criminal Code for violent theft with a threat of 15 years in prison.

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