Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD reiterated that the government is against the decision of the West Jakarta District Court (PN Jakbar) judges who gave acquittal against the defendant in the Indosurya case. "Arrest again now," said Mahfud MD when delivering his presentation at the Peak of the Anniversary Commemoration of the Indonesian Judges Association (MRI) monitored on the PP IKAHI YouTube channel, Jakarta, Antara, Monday, March 20. He stated that it was true that the government was against the judge's decision. For Mahfud, resistance by the government is not prohibited by law because resistance is part of the law. In handling this case, Mahfud emphasized that it cannot be left alone to use article logic. According to him, cases of alleged fraud and embezzlement of funds have been very convincingly tested from various assets before being submitted to court. However, it turned out that it was decided with a release or ontslag van rechtsvervolging. "It has been analyzed, where, yes, ontslag? Okay, we'll have an argument later. What we say is that the government will fight it all out, if necessary, have a strong complaint," said Mahfud. For information, two high-ranking KSP Indosurya officials, Chairman Henry Surya and Finance Director June Indria, who were accused of alleged fraud and embezzlement of funds were acquitted by the West Jakarta District Court judges. The case cost 23,000 people with a total loss of Rp106 trillion. June was acquitted on Wednesday, January 18 at the West Jakarta District Court. The judge stated that he had released June Indria from all lawsuits. June's rights were also restored. The trial was chaired by judge Kamaludin as chairman of the panel of judges and Praditia Dandindra and Flowerry Yulidas as members, respectively. Following that, Henry was acquitted by the West Jakarta District Court on Tuesday, January 24. Henry is said to have been proven to have committed a civil act in this case. However, on Thursday, March 16, the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes (Dittipideksus) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit officially detained the founder of the Indosurya Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP) Henry Surya related to falsification of documents and letters and money laundering (TPPU). He explained that this step was a follow-up to Bareskrim Polri against Henry Surya's release verdict which caused dissatisfaction between the victims and customers. "It's hard for us (to fight) because the law can't be allowed to do that," said Mahfud.

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