JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has asked that the strength in dealing with COVID-19 can be imitated to be deployed in dealing with the big agenda of the country, such as reducing stunting cases to extreme poverty.

Jokowi assessed that the COVID-19 pandemic that has hit Indonesia for almost three years has shown Indonesia's strength as a great nation.

"Therefore, this strength can not only be used for the nation's big agenda, but can also be used to deal with other diseases, such as TB, be careful, stunting, increase food production, reduce poverty," he said at the COVID-19 Handling Award at the Dhanapala Building. Ministry of Finance Jakarta, Monday, March 20, confiscated by Antara.

The President explained that based on the presentation of the Director General of the World Health Organization alias WHO Tedros Adhanom, Indonesia is one of the best countries in handling COVID-19 in the world, as well as one of the countries with the most vaccination coverage.

In addition, the results of a report from John Hopkins University noted that Indonesia is one of the best countries in the world in reducing the number of COVID-19 cases.

"Obviously, we have succeeded in reducing the transmission rate, we have succeeded in reducing the death rate and we have also succeeded in maintaining stability and economic growth. It is proven that last year we grew our growth at 5.31 percent," said Jokowi.

The President assessed that Indonesia's success in dealing with COVID-19 was the hard work of all components of the nation.

He believes that if a problem is pressured, all levels of society intervene. Many parties work beyond their duties, such as the TNI and Polri who do not only work in the defense and security sector.

Therefore, the President requested that all components of the nation be deployed, continue to synergize from the central government to the regions, ministries and institutions, DPR RI, BPK RI, and participate in the community.

"This is what we need, as soon as the case doesn't let us lose anymore! With the problems we still face, it should be like that, because I see us from A to Z, all the hard work in dealing with COVID," he concluded.

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