One brown-banded animal and three estuarine crocodiles were released into the new residents of the Padang Sugihan Wildlife Sanctuary (SM), Ogan Komering Ilir, South Sumatra, Sunday, March 19.

Acting Director General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation (KSDAE) of the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry Bambang Hendroyono said the South Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) received the four types of animals from residents.

Before being released back into the forest, the four animals named Latin Manouria Emys and Crocodylus poros underwent treatment and health checks.

It is hoped that these protected animals can grow and breed well in Padang Sugihan SM, which is part of the concession area of PT OKI Pulp & Paper Mills - APP Sinar Mas.

"The forest area is also a Sumatran elephant conservation area whose management involves the company. So it can be observed that it can breed well," said Bambang as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, March 19.

This visit also ensured that the presence of officers in the field through the implementation of RBM at the South Sumatra KSDA Center continued and was upgraded to technology and innovation in regional and biodiversity management, especially in handling wild elephants at SM Padang Sugihan.

"Today there is a GPS unit from APP Sinar Mas to the South Sumatra BKSDA for handling wild Sumatran elephants," he said, previously there had been a installation of a GPS Collar necklace for two groups of local elephants received by the South Sumatra BKSDA in May 2022.

Meanwhile, APP Chief Sustainability Officer Sinar Mas Elim Sritaba said GPS Collar helps mitigate conflicts between humans and elephants, especially those around them.

This technology can monitor the movement of these protected animals in real time in the cruising corridor to ensure its safety.

Currently, there are at least 48 wild elephants in the elephant corridor in the SM Padang Sugihan concession area.

In the corridor of the Sumatran elephant, feed plants have been planted, local tree type enrichment, and the provision of attractive places for elephants.

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