JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the DPRD of Tegal City, Central Java, Wasmad Edi Susilo, was sentenced to six months in prison with one year probation and a fine of IDR 50 million (a subsidiary of three months in prison) by the Tegal City District Court, Tuesday.

The verdict against the defendant in the case of celebration and holding the dangdut concert, was read alternately by Chief Judge Toetik Ernawati, as well as two member judges namely Paluko Hutagalung and Fatarony.

Chief Judge Toetik Ernawati said that the verdict was burdensome, namely that the defendant was a member of the DPRD who should have set an example in the enactment of the prevailing laws.

"The defendant as the Deputy Chairperson of the Tegal City DPRD should have concern and support for the government and Tegal City Government programs to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 disease outbreak," said Toetik, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 12.

As for mitigating matters, he said, the defendant was polite during the trial, had never been convicted, always gave clear and straightforward information, and acknowledged and regretted his actions.

"Considering that apart from the reasons for the consideration of the burdensome and alleviating circumstances, the defendant should also consider the sociological, philosophical aspects as well as the circumstances and motivation why the defendant committed his actions," he said.

According to him, the criminal sentence handed down to the defendant would have a sufficient deterrent effect and was considered fair for the defendant and his family.

By paying attention to article 14 letter a of the Criminal Code, he said, it is hoped that it can be a valuable learning correction therapy for the accused.

"Paying attention to Article 4 of Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Ability in conjunction with Article 14 letter a of the Criminal Code, Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning Criminal Procedure Law and other Legislation, concerned, put a trial, one stated that the defendant Wasmad Edi Susilo has been legally proven. and make sure that they have committed a criminal act of health problems and have not obeyed orders issued by legitimate officials, "he said.

Then sentenced the defendant to 6 months imprisonment and a fine of Rp. 50 million. With the provision that if the fine is not paid then it is replaced by imprisonment for three months.

"Determining that the sentence does not have to be served unless a judge's decision is made because the convict committed a criminal offense before the one year probation ends," said Toetik in reading the judge's decision against the defendant.

The verdict by imposing a verdict on the defendant by the panel of judges was heavier than the demands by the public prosecutor (JPU) in the previous trial which charged the defendant with imprisonment for four months with a fine of Rp.20 million subsidiary to two months in prison and with a probation period of one. year.

The convict Wasmad Edi Susilo said the verdict by the panel of judges against him was the best decision for himself and his family.

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