JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya appealed to the public not to carry out convoys and also play firecrackers during the month of Ramadan. Do not let actions that trigger disturbances in public order and security.

"Don't trigger something that has the potential to become an unproductive activity. For example, with firecrackers and then also with convoy problems, processions. This is not expected with this conducive situation," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko to reporters in a written statement, Saturday, March 18.

Trunoyudo said, there are a number of rules that must be obeyed if residents will carry out convoys or processions.

Among them are Government Regulation (PP) Number 60 of 2017 and Field Guidelines (Juklap) of the National Police Chief NUMBER POL.: JUKLAP/02/XII/1995 dated December 29, 1995 concerning Licensing and Notification of Community Activities.

"In the rules that regulate here, it is stated that there are provisions for D-7 before implementation, this can only be done analysis and evaluation to be able or allowed or not allowed, looking at the existing situation and situation," he explained.

Thus, the public is asked to comply with existing rules in order to maintain security and mutual order.

"If there are provisions that are violated, including disturbing public order and security, the National Police will carry out the law enforcement process in accordance with applicable regulations," he said.

"This has its own standard operating procedure. So we ask that there be no disturbances before or during the month of Ramadan," concluded Trunoyudho.

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