DEMAK - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said that until the fourth day after the eruption of Mount Merapi, no residents around the slopes of Merapi had fled. All still survive in their respective places of residence.

"For the community, there are no refugees. Everything is okay in their respective places and they quite understand. But I ask everyone to keep wearing masks," said Ganjar during a working visit to Demak Regency, Tuesday, March 14.

The condition of the community around the slopes of Merapi is still quite good. The logistics needed have also been prepared by the team in the field. The need for animal feed has also begun to be sent by the Ministry of Agriculture to Boyolali and Magelang.

"Alhamdulillah yesterday the results were quite good. Today is specifically for livestock, yesterday it was difficult to feed including grass assisted by the Ministry of Agriculture. Today it was sent. Both in Boyolali and Magelang, this is for livestock. Alhamdulillah Logistics to this day is sufficient but we continue to monitor it," he said.

Observations related to the situation of Mount Merapi are also being carried out. Likewise, community activities and mining practice C on the slopes of Merapi.

"Like the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources, we monitor it every day. We also stop the mining. Be careful for those there. Hold on to everything first," said Ganjar Pranowo.

The eruption of Mount Merapi occurred on Saturday, March 11, at around 12.12 WIB. Since then, hot cloud bursts have been observed several times until Tuesday, March 14. As a result, ash rain still occurs in the area around Mount Merapi.

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