JAKARTA - West Jakarta Metro Police reportedly arrested a celebgram AP. He was arrested on suspicion of fraud that cost the victim up to Rp1.3 billion. Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Andri Kurniawan confirmed the news. "We have secured one person with the initials A in question is a celebgram while still in possession. Fraud and embezzlement, article 378 of the Criminal Code," Andri said when confirmed, Tuesday, March 14. Andri explained that the arrest of the AP celebgram was based on reports that had entered the police since November 2022.

"What is certain is that there was an initial report that there was a 2022 novermber regarding the loss of 1.3 billion," he said. Celebrity AP is known for its stuttering and unconnected style of speech. AP's figure looks funny so many netizens are entertained by its behavior on social media. Celebrity AP also often shows off valuables on Instagram.

AP was arrested in connection with the alleged fraud case of a four-wheeled vehicle.

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