MAKASSAR - Acting Mayor of Makassar Rudy Djamaluddin has again extended the curfew rule in Kota Anging Mamiri. However, the operating hours of cafes, malls and coffee shops are now permitted until 22.00 WITA.

The decision to extend the curfew in Makassar City was conveyed through a circular letter from the Acting Mayor of Makassar, Prof. Rudy.

In the letter, it explained the restrictions on community activities at night in Makassar City, based on the instructions of the Minister of Home Affairs on January 6, 2021 regarding the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

There are four points in Prof. Rudy's circular, namely public facilities, operation of malls, cafes, restaurants, restaurants, coffee shops and game centers as well as gathering activities allowed until 22.00 WITA. The curfew is in effect from 12 January to 26 January.

The second point is that business operators must implement health protocols. This circular also instructs sub-district and village heads to tighten health protocols.

Fourth, the COVID-19 Task Force carries out monitoring of the implementation of the health protocol law enforcement discipline.

Previously, the Governor of South Sulawesi (Sulsel), Prof. Nurdin Abdullah, asked the Acting Mayor of Makassar, Prof. Rudy Djamaluddin, to review the implementation of the curfew in Makassar City. The impact of the curfew must be assessed with the growth of COVID-19 cases.

"That's why I worked with the mayor, whether there was an impact that curfew had on the growth of cases. If the case continues, we must continue to save our economy too. Pity the MSME traders, martabak sellers, epe bananas, ”said Nurdin, who is familiarly called Prof. NA, to reporters, Monday, January 11.

Meanwhile, regarding the PSBB regarding the increase in COVID-19 cases, the Governor of South Sulawesi has not made a decision. Because currently the central government is imposing restrictions on community activities (PPKM) in the Java-Bali region.

"Not yet (PSBB), we are just waiting for an order, right? Jakarta will identify all developments in the case, only Java-Bali has just come out," he continued.

According to him, the decision to implement the PSBB must pay attention to the impact of economic risks.

"That is the risk, so it must be considered carefully, so we are waiting for orders. If the central order says, we will do the PSBB, ”said Nurdin.

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