JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri is said to have coordinated with the Directorate General of Customs and Excise in discussing further the practice of imported clothing or threatening businesses. Meanwhile, the government through the Ministry of Trade has banned imports of used clothing. "The enforcement of the practice of the used clothing business is imported or threatening and this effort will certainly comply with applicable laws and regulations," said Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan to reporters, Tuesday, March 14. In a coordination meeting held today, the action was not against small traders who sold used clothes. However, against importers. The National Police is also ready to oversee government policies regarding this matter. Because, the purpose behind it is for the good of the community. "In principle, the Police are ready to work together, synergizing with relevant stakeholders, namely the Ministry of Trade and Customs," said Ramadhan.

For information, the government prohibits imports of used clothes. The prohibition is contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) No. 18 of 2021 concerning Goods Prohibited from Importing and Goods. In Article 2 Paragraph 3 of the regulation, it is stated that goods are prohibited from being imported, one of which is in the form of used bags, used sacks, and used clothes.

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