The defendant M. Tayeb who was involved in the corruption case of distributing production facilities (saprodies) and printing new rice fields for the 2016 fiscal year by the Bima Regency Agriculture, Food Crops and Horticulture Service (PTPH) revealed that there was a document for sending money to the Regent of Bima Indah Dhamayanti Putri. The defendant revealed evidence of sending money to the Bima Regent through legal adviser, Aan Ramadhan in the trial of the examination of a witness named Abdul Rauf before the Mataram Corruption Court (Tipikor), Monday, March 13. Aan revealed the existence of the document by also questioning witness Abdul Rauf regarding the information in the investigation report (BAP) at the prosecutor's investigation stage. "Has the witness been shown a letter document with the title of a list of goods prices and shipping funds transferred from the CV saprodi provider, Mitra Agro Santosa, to a number of parties," Aan said in a trial that took place as reported by Antara. Aan also convinced witness Abdul Rauf, who is the former Head of Tonda Village, by reading out the full statement of BAP number 37. In the details of the BAP, Aan explained that on September 16, 2016, with a nominal value of Rp. 100 million, the defendants Muhammad and Nurmayangsari handed over money to Abdul Rauf for brother Hj. Indah Dhamayanti Putri (Regent of Bima). Furthermore, the same shipment was on October 28, 2016 with a nominal value of IDR 50 million and finally on the date that was not listed on the list of IDR 100 million. "So, with a total shipment of Rp250 million to Hj. Indah Dhamayanti Putri, do you know the witness?," he said. Abdul Rauf also answered before the panel of judges by convincingly that he was only limited to signing a letter from CV Mitra Agro Santosa which was not contained according to what was conveyed by the legal adviser to the defendant M. Tayeb. "Yes, I signed, but there was nothing in it, it was empty. I never received and saw the money in the transfer," said Abdul Rauf. The former village head presented by the public prosecutor as the party who received a letter of supervision and collection of saprodi payments from CV Mitra Agro Santosa also stated that the blank letter came from a person named Muammar. "I was only asked to sign with Pak Muammar from CV Mitra Agro Santosa. He said it was only for the company's accountability," he said. The judge who responded to this initially questioned the validity of the document to the legal adviser for the defendant M. Tayeb by asking to show the documentary evidence before the panel. To the judge, Aan replied that his party received the document from the defendant M. Tayeb through the defendant Nurmayangsari. In the document, witness Abdul Rauf put a signature with Subagyono, Jabir Sudewo, and the defendant Muhammad. In this case, Muhamamad, M. Tayeb, and Nur Mayangsari were charged with committing, ordering to commit, and participating in criminal acts of corruption that enriched themselves or others. In the indictment, the prosecutor applied the allegations of Article 2 paragraph (1) and/or Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code. The new rice field printing supply aid program for the 2016 fiscal year comes from the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture to help increase food production in Bima Regency. The state distributed a budget of Rp. 14.4 billion to 241 farmer groups in Bima Regency. The distribution of the budget is carried out directly to the banking accounts of each farmer group. Disbursement is carried out in two stages. The first stage is IDR 10.3 billion, 70 percent of the total budget is IDR 14.4 billion, and 30 percent is in the second stage with a value of IDR 4.1 billion. In the indictment, the prosecutor revealed that the defendant M. Tayeb as the official commitment to issue an order to withdraw cash to farmer groups when the budget has entered their respective personal accounts. The money was requested to be collected back at the PTPH Office of Bima Regency. The budget collection, which should have been managed independently by each farmer group, was withdrawn on the orders of the defendant M. Tayeb without a memorandum of surrender. After the money was collected from the farmer group, on the orders of M. Tayeb, Muhammad and Nur Mayangsari made a payment to CV Mitra Agro Santosa, which is located in Jombang, East Java. Nur Mayangsari as Muhammad's subordinate also received an order to make two memorandums of saprodi orders for CV Mitra Agro Santosa with details of the first note amounting to Rp8.9 billion and for the second order Rp1.7 billion. The appointment of CV Mitra Agro Santosa as a provider of saprodi is also under the orders of M. Tayeb. The items purchased from the company include rice seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. However, from the purchase list, there are several items that cannot be provided by CV Mitra Agro Santosa so that some are purchased from local provider companies. The prosecutor also considered that the saprodi order was not in accordance with the area of the poktan rice fields registered in the implementation instructions. So that there is a shortage that now appears as a value of state losses of Rp. 5.1 billion.

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