The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has denied that its employees received gifts while on duty to visit the Demak Regency Government (Pemkab).

This rebuttal was conveyed after a video circulated that narrated an employee receiving gratuities after his assignment.

Acting KPK Spokesperson for Prevention Ipi Maryati said the parcel had been returned by his employees. This moment occurred on March 9, when the KPK Coordination and Supervision Task Force Team carried out monitoring and evaluation activities at the Demak Regency Government.

"After completing the activity and leaving the area, the KPK team was met by a number of people from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who asked about the activity in question. However, the KPK team refused to be interviewed," said Ipi in a written statement, Sunday, March 12.

At that time, his employees immediately got into the car. It was only when the trip, the driver who escorted the team told him that there were two packages of parcels from the Demak Regency Government that were deposited.

"After learning about this, the KPK team immediately rushed back and returned the parcel to the Demak Regency Government," he explained.

Ipi explained that the contents of the parcel were unknown because the device had not yet been opened. The return was received by the Demak Regency Government Inspector and the KPK Team immediately rushed to another event venue.

From this incident, the KPK asked no more parties to provide gifts for their employees. Ipi said, the anti-corruption commission personnel have a very strict code of ethics regarding the provision of goods.

Moreover, every KPK activity has been budgeted and later must be accounted for. Thus, this kind of gift is no longer needed.

"KPK appeals to all KPK stakeholders not to give gifts or gifts in any form to KPK personnel in carrying out their duties," he said.

"All KPK activities have been financed by State Money which will also be used as a principle of accountability," concluded Ipi.

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