The management of the Indonesian Motor Association (IMI) of West Java Province (Jabar) has imposed sanctions on the organizers of the Camping Adventure Explore and the club that houses it. Sanctions were given as a result of the damage to the edelweiss garden in Ranca Upas, Ciwidey, Bandung Regency, due to the trail motorcycle racing event. What are the sanctions? West Java IMI did not explain in detail. "Currently, a Disciplinary Commission Team has been dispatched tasked with evaluating, examining, and cutting off the performance of COF, observers, and the organizing club at the event," said Head of the West Java IMI Provincial Government, Daniel Mutaqien Syafyuddin in Bandung, Antara, Friday, March 10. Daniel said that his party was empathetic and apologized for the non-conducive events “ Caping Adventure Explore (Gas Duduluran Silaturahmi Mapag Manggahan)” in Rancaupas, Ciwidey, Bandung Regency, on March 5, 2023. This deeply hurts the hearts of the general public and residents of Rancaupas in particular, because it has damaged several plantations of local residents, whether coffee, cassava flower seeds, edelweiss swamps or other gardens. According to Daniel, IMI as the official forum for automotive people views this incident as nothing trivial. He said this incident would be a benchmark for IMI to continue to correct itself, with the hope that it would not happen again or at least we are trying to minimize it by adding better arrangements and supervision. "In issuing activity recommendations related to the event, we have implemented it according to procedures and regulations, both AD-ART IMI, as well as derivative regulations. The Komdis team will report the results and maybe the committee and the club will get strict sanctions from us," said Daniel. The procedure, said Daniel, starts from verifying and evaluating the application for the implementation of the event requested by the organizers, requesting the appointment of COF submitted by the organizers, receiving a report on the results of the track Inspection carried out by the COF of the organizers submitting a location permit document from the land owner as stated in the Perhutani Letter regarding the application for a permit for the location of the activity. Then a letter of application for recommendation for activity equipped with attachments in the form of a map of the adventure activity route from the person in charge of Subagja (OC) and Arnold Alexander (COF). After receiving all these administrative requirements, continued Daniel, West Java IMI provided recommendations for the implementation of the Camping Adventure Explore (Gas Duduluran Silaturahmipag M uploadan) event. This recommendation will be a requirement for a request for a crowd permit from the local regional police, provided that the organizers must still pay attention and carry out the West Java IMI recommendation. "In the recommendation, we convey that the committee must coordinate with related agencies regarding this activity, equipped with permits," he said. This means that the committee must pay attention to the safety and security issues of the participants and spectators and coordinate with the local police. It is even mandatory to provide a complete ambulance for doctors or paramedics and fire extinguishers, then the important point is that the committee is obliged to ensure that this activity does not damage the surrounding environment. Daniel said that West Java's IMI is committed and continues to support the progress of Indonesian automotive in general, and West Java's automotive in particular, without neglecting the preservation of nature, as well as the comfort of peace, security, and order for the community.

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