The Madago Raya Task Force has completely eradicated the East Indonesia Mujahidin (MIT) terror group. The operation is still being extended for deradicalization in Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi (Sulteng).

The Head of the Psipol for the Human Resources Staff (SSDM) of the National Police, Kombes Pol Cucuk Trihono, said that to maintain the mental state, his party provided psychological assistance to Madago Raya Task Force personnel.

"This support aims to provide care for the mental health condition of the Madago Raya Task Force personnel in the area of operation," said Trihono, who is also the Head of the Psychological Assistance Team during a visit in Poso, Central Sulawesi, Thursday, March 9, as reported by Antara.

He revealed that 15 Polri personnel were deployed as facilitators consisting of seven personnel from the Police SSDM Psychology Bureau, five personnel from the Central Sulawesi Police HR Bureau, and three personnel from the Poso Police HR.

The activity was led by the Head of the Central Sulawesi Police's PSDM Ruption Division, Kombes Pol Cucuk Trihono, accompanied by the Head of the Psychology Section of the Central Sulawesi Police HR Bureau, Kompol Akhmad Kunaefi Muarif, as an effort to improve the performance of personnel, so that services to the community become more optimal.

The Task Force personnel who received the assistance, he said, were given practical skills in managing psychological competencies, who were accompanied directly by the Commander of Battalion B Pioneer of the Central Sulawesi Satbrimobda Kompol Robi Utomo. "This assistance is carried out using touch methods, attention, psychological treatment and therapy or support psi," he said. based on the results of mapping to deal with sources of stress, according to him, it can come from pressure, either from organizations, occupations, individuals, or the environment where they work, so that personnel can be guided to achieve stress management or stress coding.

"Management of sources of stress through good stress compression will realize excellent mental health, so that it will produce great work. In addition to mental health maintenance, psychological assistance is also carried out to maintain the psychological condition of personnel during the operation period, so that they remain enthusiastic until the assignment period is complete," he concluded.

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