JABAR - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) revealed that the flood submerged 624 houses in Tanjungsari Village, Tasikmalaya, West Java (West Java). Floods arise due to runoff of two rivers in the area.

"The affected houses were 624 units, the affected families (KK) reached 825 families (2,579 people), displaced in madrasas 8 families and 20 people waiting for the water to recede," said Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of BPBD Tasikmalaya Kurnia Trisna Regency in Tasikmalaya, West Java, Thursday, March 9, confiscated by Antara.

Kurnia said this flood caused most of the affected residents to evacuate. However, not a few also survive in their homes waiting for the water to recede.

He explained that the high intensity rain caused the Citanduy River and Cikidang River in Tanjungsari Village to overflow inundated residential areas in Bojongsoba Village, Hegarsari Village, and Mekarsari Village, Tanjungsari Village, Sukaresik District.

"The cause is high intensity rain, and the overflow of sewer waterways into the Cinduy and Cikidang rivers," he said.

Kurnia said BPBD personnel had jumped to the location to carry out handling in flood-affected areas, such as evacuating residents' belongings, and providing logistical assistance for the needs of flood victims.

In addition to logistical needs assistance, he said, his staff was assisted by all government officials and the community to clean up materials from the remaining floods so that people could return to their homes.

"Efforts for logistical assistance, distribution of clean water, helping evacuate residents, further coordination with BBWS (Balai Besar Sungai Area) and cleaning up used flood materials," he said.

Head of Sukaresik Police, Iptu Asep Saefuloh, added that currently the flood conditions have begun to recede. Even so, the police are still on standby to monitor every development and are ready to help people whose houses are affected by flooding.

"The water level has begun to recede, but we and related parties continue to monitor developments at the location," he said.

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