Four years of running away from police chase, NTS (36) was finally arrested by the Magelang Police Criminal Investigation Unit in Bekasi. NTS is wanted for killing TLH alias Tomblok (25) at Ruko Harmoni in the Mertoyu area and Magelang Regency, in 2019.

Magelang Police Chief Kombes Ruruh Wicaksono said this case was a debt problem. Between the victim and the suspect, an argument at the scene resulted in the victim being seriously injured in the head. After that the perpetrator fled, and became a fugitive from the police for 4 years.

"The suspect was arrested by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Magelang Police on Thursday morning, March 2, 2023, at his rented house in the Bekasi area, West Java," said Kombes Ruruh, in a written statement, Wednesday, March 8.

Ruruh Wicaksono explained that the murder incident carried out by NTS began when he demanded a debt of Rp. 10 million to the victim, TLH alias Tomblo.

Last Sunday, May 19, 2019, at around 22.00 WIB at Ruko Harmoni, Pasaanyar Environment, Sumberrejo Village, Mertoyudan District, Magelang Regency, NTS charged Tomblok a debt of Rp10,500,000.

At that time the suspect (NTS) and the victim (Tomblok) made an appointment and met in Magelang, because the place where NTS lived at that time was a contract in Yogyakarta. Then NTS headed to Magelang by motorbike. Arriving in Magelang, NTS met with Tomblok in the Japunan intersection area, Mertoyudan," said Kombes Ruruh.

Ruruh continued, NTS asked Tomblok about the late time of repaying his debt. However, Tomblok answered roughly so as to offend NTS.

"Lha, piye Mas? Grandma arep paid coffee, nek or ngopo paid? (What about Mas? If you want to pay why, if you don't pay why?)," said Kombes Ruruh imitating the victim's words, as is known from the results of the examination of the suspect. NTS.

Hearing this answer, NTS was silent. However, Tomblok again made NTS angry by bringing up the pregnancy of a woman named Vega (the victim's girlfriend in 2017). Hearing these words, NTS was offended. The two of them made a fuss to push each other and slap each other.

Suddenly, Tomblok took the handle of the hoe around the location, then hit it at the NS, from behind once and hit the arm.

Feeling threatened, NTS grabbed the handle and hit as hard as he could towards Tomblok's neck and back head 4-6 times until the victim fell.

NTS left the scene. On the way to Yogyakarta, he called Vega (witness) and said that he had killed Tomblok at Ruko Harmoni. Vega and his colleagues drove to the scene and found the victim lying in blood running from the back of the head, and died on the way to Tidar Hospital, Magelang City, "explained Kombes Ruruh.

For this act of persecution, the articles alleged against the NTS suspect are Article 338 of the Criminal Code with a maximum imprisonment of 15 years, and the threat of a sentence of Article 351 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code with a maximum imprisonment of 7 years.

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