The General Election Commission (KPU) has set 8,317 points for voting for the 2024 General Election in Bekasi Regency, West Java. The determination was based on the results of the restructuring.

The head of the Bekasi Regency KPU, Jajang Wahyudin, said that the determination of the number of polling stations (TPS) began with the submission of his party to the KPU.

"Based on the results of the determination of the Indonesian KPU, there is a reduction in the number of TPS for the 2024 General Election in the Bekasi Regency area," he said in Cikarang, Bekasi Regency, Wednesday, March 8, which was confiscated by Antara.

He explained that during the submission process, the Bekasi Regency KPU proposed a TPS of 8,349 points with an average voter per TPS of 200 to 250 people.

"Then the KPU was asked to restructure several polling stations so that it was reduced by 32 polling stations to 8,317 polling stations," he said.

The number of TPS in Bekasi Regency has decreased from the number of submissions, said Jajang, based on logistical efficiency factors and the effectiveness of holding the 2024 General Election.

"The reduction in polling stations related to the presence of polling stations, which is relatively small in number of voters, so that logistical efficiency and effectiveness of implementation are adjusted to the number of polling stations," he said.

He stated that the reduction in the number of polling stations was not followed by a reduction in the number of election organizers because until now the election organizers at the TPS level had not yet been formed.

"The organizers at the TPS (KPPS) level have not yet been formed, so there is no reduction," he said.

Kadiv SDM and Sosdiklihparmas KPU Bekasi Regency Dhany Wahab Habieby said the adjustment to the determination of the number of TPS was carried out by reducing the recruitment of voter data updating officers or pantarih.

"As many as 8,317 panterlih officers that we have recruited have carried out the task of carrying out the door-to-door bulk (match and research) in a total of 187 villages and sub-districts. The number of officers decreased by 32 people from the original 8,349 people after the restructuring of the number of polling stations was carried out," he said.

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