The Karawang Health Office handled a two-year-old baby in West Karawang District, which is an urban area in Karawang Regency, West Java, reportedly experiencing malnutrition due to bile disorder.

"We from the government have intervened in handling the malnutrition," said Head of Public Health at the Karawang Health Office, Nurmala Hasanah, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 7.

The baby who is malnourished in Karawang Kulon Village, West Karawang District, is named MF who is now two years old.

According to Nurmala, his party received a report that the baby was suffering from malnutrition. What has been done is health assistance, provision of additional food, and others.

He said that the baby did not merely suffer from malnutrition. Because there is comorbidities suffered by the baby, namely atresia bilier.

Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Health, this atresia bilier is a condition where there is a bile flow disorder. As a result, bile cannot go to the intestines and accumulates in the liver, causing liver damage.

Atresia bilier is a rare disease in bile channels that does not develop normally.

Handling requires advanced technology, experts, and quite large costs.

"With the comorbidities suffered by the baby, special treatment is carried out, and now the baby is being treated at the Karawang Regional General Hospital (Regional General Hospital)," he said.

However, said Nurmala, because the baby needed special treatment, the Karawang Health Service had suggested that the baby be referred to Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung.

"We have conveyed to the family that they are willing to be referred to RSHS," he said.*

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