JAKARTA - The chairman of the DKI Jakarta Ansor GP, Muhammad Ainul Yakin, admitted that he did not know about the new figure in the case of persecution by Mario Dandy Satrio against the witness with the initials APA, as stated by the police. Therefore, he hopes that the police will open the figure of APA.

"We haven't asked for a few days ago to also say that there is a figure with the initials APA, it's open. Which person is this, right," Ainul told reporters at Mayapada Kuningan Hospital, South Jakarta, Tuesday, March 7.

"If there is, just open it. That's it," he continued.

When asked about the news about Mario's ex-girlfriend, Ainul admitted that he did not know about the information. Therefore, Ainul hopes that the figure of APA will be revealed soon.

"This was just news of the rumors, there was a friend of David, Mario's friend too. I can't be sure. So I hope whatever it opens, who it is. It's not there," he concluded.

Separately, David's Legal Advisory Team, Melisa Anggraini admitted that she still did not know what figure. However, based on the information he received, he suspects that Mario's ex-girlfriend.

"We haven't been able to confirm directly with David regarding WHAT. But from the information we heard, it was Mario's ex-girlfriend. But it feels like he's Mario's age if I'm not mistaken. He's already in college, so it's not David or AG's age," he said.

Previously, a new name appeared in a series of cases of David's persecution with the suspect Mario Dandy Satrio. The police said there was a person with the initials APA. From a series of investigations, it is known that APA is a colleague of the suspect. He who provided information about AG had received bad treatment from David.

"The MSS suspect received information from his friend, namely APA's sister who stated that the AG witness around January 17, 2023 received bad treatment from the victim," said South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters, Friday, February 25.

Hearing this information, Mario tried to confirm the truth by asking his girlfriend directly. However, it was not clearly explained the form of bad deeds that David had committed to AG.

"Then hearing the unpleasant information, the suspect MDS confirmed this to witness AG," he said.

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