JAKARTA - The Head of Metro Jaya Police, Inspector General Fadil Imran, only 30 minutes met with David Ozora at Mayapada Hospital, Kuningan, South Jakarta. During his visit, Inspector General Fadil promised a case of abuse by former officials of the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP), Mario Dandy Satrio, Agnes and Shane, to be thoroughly investigated. "This afternoon I came to Mayapada Hospital to see directly visited David's father and at the same time wished that the two could recover soon. Also gave moral support to his family, parents, as well as the handling of the taulan to continue to stand by accompanying the two until they recovered," said Fadil to reporters at Mayapada Hospital, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Tuesday, March 7. "Fadil also promised that the case that ensnared the ex-DJP child would be thoroughly investigated or maximally. He ensured that his party would enforce the law as fairly as possible. In addition, he also said that his party was open by anyone who wanted to help investigate the case of Mario Dandy Satrio's persecution. Meanwhile, the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta Ansor GP, Muhammad Ainul Yakin expressed his gratitude to the Kapolda Metro Jaya. I represent David Ozora. I represent on behalf of the big family of Ansor and Banser, I once again thank you for your visit to the Kapolda and thank you too for the legal process that has been running well, objectively so that today we have heard that this case starts to be bright and bright.," he said. He also conveyed about David's condition continues to improve. He also hopes that if David's ananda can recover faster. Alhamdulillah David's ananda has continued to improve and we also continue to ask for prayers so that David's ananda will recover soon," he concluded.

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