YOGYAKARTA Profile of Muhammad Romahurmuziy has drawn spotlight several times. His name also appeared in political news. He is a member of the United Development Party (PPP). Not only reaping achievements, this man who is familiarly called Romy also stumbled upon the case.

Muhammad Romahurmuziy is a politician born on September 10, 1974 in Sleman, Yogyakarta. His father named M Tolchah Mansoer and his mother named Umroh Machfudzoh. Romy's background turned out to be quite classy.

M Torichah Mansoer is Professor of Islamic Law IAIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, the mother is one of the founders of the NU Women's Student Association (IPPNU). Romy is also the grandson of the former Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, KH M. Wahib.

Romahurmuziy studied high school at SMA Negeri 1 Yogyakarta. After that, he continued his education at the Bandung Institute of Technology by majoring in Physical Engineering, the Special Sector of Building Physics. He then continued his education on the same campus by majoring in Industrial Engineering and Management, in the Special Sector of Economic Technology.

Di berbagai sumber dikatakan bahwa Romahurmuziy sebelumnya tak berciasa-cita sebagai politisi. Hal itu juga terlihat dari bidang Studi yang diambil yakni teknik. Namun darah politiknya mengalir deras, terutama dari kedua orang tuanya yang tercatat berpirah di banyak organisasi.

Before becoming a politician, Romy was said to aspire to be the kiai that led the Islamic boarding school. However, this goal faded over time. His political career began with the National Awakening Party. Even in 1998 when he was in Bandung, West Java, Romy became a member of the PKB National Guard.

Romy's membership in PKB is not permanent. He then anchored to the party bearing the Kaaba logo, PPP. The party is indeed closer to Romy considering that his mother is also one of the figures who helped raise PPP. Romy himself built a career at PPP by being a department administrator at the PPP DPP at the V Congress in 2003.

Since PPP, Romy's career has continued to increase. In 2007 he served as Deputy Secretary General of PPP. He was also a special staff of the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Suryadharma Ali, who at that time served as General Chair of PPP.

Armed with his experience, Romy then ran as a candidate for DPR member from the Central Java constituency in 2009. His decision to run as a member of the DPR turned out to be sweet fruit. He was then elected as a member of the central legislature for the 2009-2014 period. This is not the only chance Romy will sit in the DPR seat. He was finally re-elected in the 2014-2019 period.

Romy himself was in the public spotlight because he was named a suspect in the corruption case of buying and selling positions within the Ministry of Religion in 2018-2019. He was proven to have accepted bribes in the selection of positions with IDR 325 million.

Dalam kasus tersebut, Rommy tertangkap operasi tangkap tangan (OTT) KPK tepatnya pada 15 Maret 2019. Kala itu KPK mendapat informasi adanya penyerahan uang Kepala Kantor Kementerian Agama Gresik, Muhammad Muafaq kepada Romy. Uang tersebut diduga akan diterima oleh asisten Rommy. Sedangkan Romy sendiri tengah berada di restoran di Hotel Bumi Surabaya, Jawa Timur. KPK dan Romy juga sempat berkejar-kejar meski pada akhirnya Romy tertangkap.

In the end, Romy was sentenced to two years in prison by the Corruption Court for 2 years and a fine of Rp. 100 million, a subsidiary of 3 months.

In addition to the profile of Muhammad Romahurmuziy, visit VOI.ID for other interesting information.

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